The healthiest see-through container

Emballages Standard 26 de juin de 2019

As a result of living in an era of hectic lifestyles, intensive working days and increasingly less stable timetables, all these factors have contributed to a diet with shorter and undefined meal times that clash with our intention to enjoy a healthier, more balanced nutrition. 

Therefore, consumers are now seeking healthy ready meals to consume in any situation, whether at work, while commuting or after the gym. In order to meet this demand, Agricola Villena decided to launch their carrot sticks, a delicious, natural snack that is easy to eat, as it can be taken on its own or dipped into sauces or hummus as a crudite.

For this new launch, the agricultural firm was in need of a packaging that would enhance the product’s freshness while allowing for the full preservation of the carrot’s organoleptic features. By working jointly with ITC Packaging, Agricola Villena have managed to obtain the new MyPack, a customised packaging that is also the first in applying the Ultra Clear technology.

Manufactured from recyclable PP, the cup features a clarifier that provides great transparency, enhanced by the IML decoration, which is also ultra transparent. As a result, we have obtained a highly attractive packaging for the shelf that allows for barrier free display of the freshness of such a healthy snack with great current demand as the carrot sticks, that are not only healthy but also delicious and fun. 

With a 240ml capacity, the packaging is also thermo sealable, thus allowing for longer product shelf life and featuring an original lid that also optimises shelf stacking thanks to its particular shape.  Through their Hoymecuido brand, Agricola Villena expect to commercialise this product across the nationwide Mercadona shop network.

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